Want to peek inside the Trauma Awareness training? Simply watch the video above, just make sure your sound is on, so you can hear what our graduates have to share about their personal and professional journey.
“75% of trauma doesn’t come from a battlefield, refugee camp, or an earthquake. It’s interpersonal: inflicted by one person on another, often purposefully.”
- The United Nations
Trauma exists in every body. That's why, as providers, it's essential we understand how chronic stress and unresolved trauma negatively impacts our ability to feel safe, concentrate, clearly express consent, relate fully, and sustain mental, emotional, and physical health.
Only then can we be the ‘safe’ resource for others, and learn to invite embodied safety during all of our offerings; one-to-one sessions, classes, workshops, or retreats. This then enables us to reduce the risk of harmful re-traumatisation, or unintentionally pushing people into dissociation.
By becoming Trauma Aware, we can learn to protect everyone: keeping people in the ‘safe zone’, knowing what to do when they slip out, using somatic practices to guide them back, reducing the triggers, and fully supporting their journey from unprocessed pain to post-traumatic growth.
“Powerful! Both professionally and personally. Everyone could benefit from this eye-opening curriculum; whether you’re a judge, teacher, or parent.” — Isabelle, International Aid Worker and Consultant
In this 50-hr training we dive deep into exploring embodied safety; exploring how our ability to detect and recognise danger can be impaired, the influential state of our own neurophysiology, together with the words and tonality we use, our body placement and presence, our attunement and awareness of triggers, the choices we give, and so much more.
Over 7 days, you will be immersed in our eye-opening curriculum: combining 40% theory with 60% experiential learning.
Shared through live lectures, embodiment and interoceptive awareness classes, somatic trauma recovery and self-care practices, diagnostic detection clues for client assessment, guided group discussions, and daily homework exercises.
We also take plenty of breaks for nourishment, rest, and fun community connections.
“Incredible! It is literally as though I was blind before I took the training, and now I can see.”
— Nir, Sound Healer
“I wish I’d learned all of this in school. Simply life-changing!” — Lexi, EFT & TRE Practitioner
The Curriculum
Designed to considerably expand your scope of practice & professional skillset.
We explore what safety means: What does it look and feel like? What happens when we get triggered and lose it? Why is this so dangerous?
We begin to develop your capacity to attune to, and recognise when this arises, both in ourselves, and others.
By gaining an understanding of the Window of Tolerance, and the ‘safe enough zone’, we look at the resources we can use to support ourselves and others, as well as the ways to reduce triggers.
We identify numerous ways to increase a felt sense of safety in our classes, workshops or one-to-one sessions, whether they are online, or in-person.
We look through the lens of psychobiology and polyvagal theory, diving deep into the body's stress, survive, and shut-down responses.
Exploring how these cause connection and safety, or separation and fear, learning somatic practices to help shift people towards friendly and free, where thriving becomes a reality.
We learn about the need for interoceptive awareness and explore the somatic vocabulary of the nervous system, the underlying ‘sensations’, and unconscious statements we make via idioms, which illuminate what is happening in our neurophysiology, so we can attune to what is happening in our students and clients.
While teaching a class, or facilitating a session, we need to be able to quickly assess embodied safety.
We explore the visual cues, body language, breath, behaviors, eye movements, and other ways we can detect the nervous system state in participants, so we can adapt accordingly to promote harm-reduction, and tailor our offerings to anchor them back to connection and safety.
Chronic stress and trauma affect our ability to feel and detect what is happening inside our own skin.
Increasing interoceptive awareness is the key to resolving trauma, and cultivating the capacity to notice sensation, which tells us about the state of our own nervous system.
However, embodiment practices and medical procedures can trigger this to happen too fast, or to unlock painful memories from the past that can push us into dissociation, rage, and panic, or depressive emotional floods.
We learn how to titrate this, give choice to prevent this and return to a felt sense of safety when this occurs.
We explore how chronic stress and trauma create a coping mechanism of dissociation and how this affects relationships, communication, and embodiment.
We look at the links between ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and the associated likelihood of dissociation in your students and clients, and why this is essential information, that you can attain through specific questions during your in-take process.
We learn the key signs of dissociation, so you can ensure you avoid unintentionally pushing people into a place where they may isolate, become numb, shut down, or move into passive or active suicide.
We learn how to avoid the shadow of consent: to prevent unhealthy or unethical dynamics, when our attempt at giving, becomes an unconscious act of taking.
We begin to explore the different types of embodied consent and how trauma affects our ability to notice needs, boundaries and capacity to communicate them.
Through the lens of the Wheel of Consent, we explore the challenges of verbal consent, the activation levels that arise when touch is bought into practice, and the power dynamics of student-teacher and peers that can affect the ability to truly express an embodied boundary.
Exploring how to avoid getting stuck in the pain of the Drama Triangle, when someone is triggered and slips into wounded child mode (yourself included)..
Discovering ways to prevent and resolve difficult client dynamics using ‘connecting’ communication techniques, so you can become conflict-confident.
We learn to accept that dysregulation and a loss of safety will happen for you and your clients, but present and practice somatic skills that will ensure you are competent in returning them, and yourself, to the ‘safe zone’.
We explore the kind of referral resources available to help you stay inside your scope of practice, and get support to aid your clients’ or students’ recovery, when needed.
We prepare you to integrate these newly acquired techniques directly into your professional practice upon graduating from the training.
“Body sensation, rather than intense emotion, is the key to healing trauma.”
— Dr. Peter Levine, Founder of Somatic Experiencing, and the Author of Waking the Tiger
Designed for anyone in the business of helping others.
Ideal for space holders; facilitators, therapists, coaches, teachers, practitioners, carers, healing center owners, retreat organisers, community leaders, and medical personnel.
Delivered within a multi-format educational experience: to ensure we meet the learning styles and abilities of everyone.
⭐ Classroom-style live lectures
⭐ Experienced teaching faculty
⭐ Visual aids and video
⭐ Retention and reflection exercises
⭐ Two-person practice dyads
⭐ Embodied learning
⭐ Somatic self-care practices
⭐ Small group work
⭐ Supportive group facilitator
⭐ Feedback encouraged
⭐ Individual homework
⭐ Post-training integration guidance.
“As a long-standing social worker and addiction specialist, I’ve been to a LOT of trainings, and this was by far the best!”
— Linda, Addiction Recovery Specialist
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Become Trauma Aware . . .
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“I didn’t realise my anxiety was due to my nervous system being stuck in the wrong gear!
Now I know how to shift this state with the somatic self-soothing tools I learned. Priceless.”
— Tom, School Teacher

Graduates of April 2022